Turns overnight marinating into just 9 minutes
Can be used to marinate meats, vegetable, salads and dessert.
Turns overnight marinating into just 9 minutes
Reduces the time you need to spend in the kitchen preparing meals - you can marinate and cook a meal in 20 minutes
Regular foods become gourmet meals using spices, dry rubs and salad dressing that you already have at home
Has a large capacity canister for large cuts of meat, whole chickens, racks of ribs, turkey breasts etc.
Can be used to marinate meats, vegetable, salads and desserts
No more mixing or tossing - it does it for you
It's easy to clean and store - the power base fits into the canister so it take little storage space
The blender is based on a food preparation system that commercial meat processors and restaurants have used for years to tenderize meats.
The blender is one the first electrical home appliances that uses this same process at a price that is affordable.
Air is extracted from the blender tumbler to create a vacuum. The rotation together with the vacuum causes the muscle fibers of the various foods to open up, allowing the marinade to penetrate the meat thoroughly.
The result is moist, plump and flavorful foods in 9 minutes. Food is tenderized in less time, with less mess and waste. The marinator system also allows you to store food items and extend their shelf-life by several days.